Green Bottle Herbs Tincture โ€“ Rose Hips





  • High in Vitamin C
  • Minor digestive aid; increases HCL and Pepsin
  • Slightly soothing for sore throat and inflammation and has been known to decrease hot flashes
  • This unique oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids and has carried much respect amongst professional journals and organizations as being a great agent in the fight against dry, weathered, and dehydrated skin. It works wonders on scars and is the predominant oil used for treating wrinkles and premature aging. Can be used in all fine skin care recipes.

Ingredients: Organic Rose Hips, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Non-Grain Alcohol, Alkaline Water.

Recommended Dosage: Dropper Full (10-15 drops) daily or as needed up to 3 x. Consistent long term use is not recommended.

Green Bottle Herbs does not claim that its products will cure any diseases. Information on this web site is for educational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.