Standard American Diet

What is the Standard American Diet Food Pyramid Food Groups Can the Standard American Diet be Clean Cleaning up the Standard American Diet What do you think of when you think of the Standard American Diet?  If you are like me, you may not really know what it is.  Some...

Holiday Recipe Thank You

SUCCESS! Thank You! You are now ready to be a rockstar this holiday season. Click the button below to download your free recipes. Holiday Recipes Get in the holiday spirit of sharing and giving Share this site with your friends! Share Dear Friend, I’m so happy...

eBook Thank You

SUCCESS! Thank You! Your Journey starts now. Click the links below to get your free eBook and Journal. 10 Commandments for Clean Eating eBook Clean Eating Journal Get Started with Commandment #10: Lead By Example Share this site with your friends! Share Dear Friend,...
One SAD life

One SAD life

What does it mean to live a SAD life? SAD stands for the Standard American Diet. This is such an interesting definition for how we eat in America. I have always been intrigued by the American Diet, seeing as how we don’t actually have a cuisine of our own, plus...

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