by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Jul 11, 2022 | Clean Eating Life Tips, Uncategorized
5 Phases of Clean Eating … What phase are you in? After opening Artisan’s Palate (my health food store) in 2013, as many of you know, I confused being a foodie with being a clean eater. So, when I opened my shop, I was more concerned with deceptive marketing terms...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Mar 18, 2019 | Clean Eating Life Tips, Uncategorized
It’s Spring, Be Open! No matter where you live in the country, I think we can all agree that the weather this winter has been challenging! Yes, even here in beautiful, sunny California! So, I want you to be inspired by the new spring season and do something that...
by lisastergulz | Jan 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s Organic it Must be Clean and Healthy Know what organic foods are best for your body I started reading the ingredients and made a point to make sure it said most if not all the ingredients were organic. So that should be it right, buy it and eat it. Well not so...
by Sharissa Bradley | Jan 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
What does it mean to live a SAD life? SAD stands for the Standard American Diet. This is such an interesting definition for how we eat in America. I have always been intrigued by the American Diet, seeing as how we don’t actually have a cuisine of our own, plus...
by lisastergulz | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
What is the Standard American Diet Food Pyramid Food Groups Can the Standard American Diet be Clean Cleaning up the Standard American Diet What do you think of when you think of the Standard American Diet? If you are like me, you may not really know what it is. Some...
by lisastergulz | Jan 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
10 Commandments to Clean Eating Commandment 1-Let the Ingredient List Guide You When starting on your journey to clean eating, it’s a good place to start is to read the 10 commandments of Clean Eating. The first commandment is to “Let the Ingredient List Guide You.” ...