by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Aug 16, 2024 | Clean Eating Life Tips
Did you know that most people look at food that is labeled organic, pasture-raised, or regenerative as different? And this is required eating for people that must eat ‘this way’? Many people will come into my store and say, I’ll let my (husband/wife/etc.)...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | May 27, 2024 | Clean Eating Life Tips
Most of us are guilty of consuming news based on a salacious headline and then not reading the whole article. We live in a headline society, so we assume the headline is accurate. This tactic was used to sell newspapers for years, or to have you tune into...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Mar 28, 2024 | Clean Eating Life Tips
As I grow my business, I am often in a position of training new employees, and that requires me to explain ‘our customer’. This means, who is our customer, and does the ideal/perfect customer exist? If the ideal customer exists, then who is that person, and...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Feb 7, 2024 | Clean Eating Life Tips
When was the last time you took an antibiotic? Do you know if you’ve taken antibiotics in the past year, 18 months, 2 years? Have you thought about every time you’ve been prescribed an antibiotic and subsequently have taken the recommended...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Dec 7, 2023 | Clean Eating Life Tips
Blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, osteopenia, asthma, thyroid … and the list continues! What are you willing to ‘fix’ but then possibly break in the process of treating one of these ailments? Yes, there are side effects with every prescription drug on the...
by IAmACleanEaterTeam | Oct 11, 2023 | Clean Eating Life Tips
Every day I am either answering a phone call from a worried customer. Maybe they just read a blog that’s raising the alarm bell about a superfood they’re taking. Or they are tagged in a social media post to inform them of the ‘latest item that’s going to kill...