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    Clean Eating


10 Commandments For Clean EatingGet our Free eBook and Journal!

A Starter Course for Clean Eating!

Change your life and be happy, healthy and wise with this course on clean eating. You will learn what it really means to eat clean and what has happened to our industrial food system. You will be given strategies to combat the impediments to eating real food that our society has created through clever marketing, advertising and deception.


What’s inside?

  • Over 100 narrated slides.
  • Over 10 in-course exercises.
  • 5 Workbooks.
  • 5 reference guides.
  • 2 In-depth interviews on farming

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I am a clean eater is a place that provides information, guidance, awareness and support to those seeking the healthy lifestyle of clean eating for themselves and for those around them.

The Clean Eating Team

Our Philosophy

At I am a Clean Eater, we do not want to tell you what lifestyle eating plan you should be on. The message is about understanding what’s at the end of your fork and making the best and most informed decisions for yourself!

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One Word for Each Decade

One Word for Each Decade

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We live in a ‘Headline Society’

We live in a ‘Headline Society’

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Paying for Disease or Paying for Health

Paying for Disease or Paying for Health

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This Kind of Food…

This Kind of Food…

Did you know that most people look at food that is labeled organic, pasture-raised, or regenerative as different? And this is required eating for people that must eat ‘this way’?  Many people will come into my store and say, I’ll let my (husband/wife/etc.)...

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Commandment #1: Let the ingredient list guide you

We're here to help. I Am a Clean Eater is here to help you forge your path no matter where you are starting. We all have different end goals. For some people ultimate health means longevity, or not having to rely on anyone for help. Perhaps your goal is to never have...

Commandment #2: Organic and non-GMO foods

 Organic Foods Can Make a Difference, But how? Many people today continue to believe that switching to organic grown produce has no real benefit. The food industry tells us that all the chemical additives are for our benefit. There are too many people in the world and...

Commandment #3: Deceptive Marketing and Reading Labels

Deceptive marketing has become a problem. A good deal of latitude is allowed in the advertising of food products, despite the efforts of controlling government agencies. This latitude gives the consumer a false sense of security which in many instances falls into the...

Commandment #4: Grow your own

Commandment #4 Grow Your Own In our very recent history, the concept of "grow your own" has been all but lost. What would it be like to have grown up 150 years ago? You would have lived off what your family and the neighboring families could grow, sell, or trade. The...

Commandment #5: Shop local farmers markets

Commandment #5 : Shop local and support farmers markets Going to a farmers market is the best way there is to get the freshest, most delicious local produce. Farmers markets have become extremely popular and can be found everywhere, so there's no excuse not to go....

Commandment #6: Educate Yourself

Commandment #6: Educate yourself and Stay informed. A full understanding what's on the end of your fork is critical for a clean eating lifestyle. Your food can have both positive and negative impacts on your well-being. How it was grown or raised, the ingredients, and...

Commandment #7: Ask Questions

Commandment #7: ASK QUESTIONS When we sit down at a restaurant we tend to not worry about where the food has come from or specifically how it's prepared. There is somehow a tacit assumption that there is nothing to worry about. This is especially true if the...

Commandment #8: Keep moving and stay active

Commandment #8 Get Moving and Stay Active Are you struggling with getting enough exercise during the day? The constraints on our time is making it increasingly more difficult to get active and stay active. As a result, we rarely take the time anymore to take care...

Commandment #9 Don’t succumb to peer pressure

Commandment #9: Don’t Succumb to Peer Pressure. It's your night out with your friends and you've been waiting all week to let loose a little bit. You are at a restaurant and all your friends order some incredible smelling mac&cheese, loaded potatoes, and nachos...

Commandment #10: Lead by example

Lead as Others have Lead You We have all had heroes, mentors and idols. What if YOU could be that person for others. You never know who is watching you, learning from you and growing from the information you have to share. You are probably already a role model for...

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I Am A Clean Eater
One Word for Each Decade
We live in a ‘Headline Society’
Paying for Disease or Paying for Health
This Kind of Food…
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