Beyond Organic

Beyond Organic

When you’re shopping, are you the person that tosses anything that says ‘Organic’ into your cart? Or do you take a few extra seconds to look at the ingredient list and understand what ingredients are in the product you’re buying? Often, I look for things that are...
What is Real?

What is Real?

My endless conversations about food with my customers at times is entertaining.  This one conversation got me thinking about what it means when someone says, ‘yeah, but I want the real thing.’ So, what is real? Background To give you some context, during...
Things I know I will NEVER Say!

Things I know I will NEVER Say!

It’s the new year and most of the population is setting resolutions and taking stock of the things in their life that they want to improve or change. I’m here to remind you that my yearly habits do not include resolutions and so here are some of the things I know I...