Who is our Ideal “Perfect” Customer

As I grow my business, I am often in a position of training new employees, and that requires me to explain ‘our customer’.  This means, who is our customer, and does the ideal/perfect customer exist? If the ideal customer exists, then who is that person, and...
Keto and Clueless

Keto and Clueless

Keto and Clueless. Yes I’m talking to you, Cheesecake Lover!  When 80-year old’s start saying they are ‘keto’ then you know this new/old lifestyle plan has hit a crescendo.  Keto is an eating plan that is high in fat and low in carbs. Research is showing that Keto has...

The 3 most Cringe-Worthy things we ALL say

The 3 most Cringe-Worthy things we ALL say

The 3 Most Cringe-worthy things we ALL say and then REPEAT! There are so many cringe-worthy statements that are said on a daily basis, and then even worse they are repeated! These statements have become common phrases or beliefs that many carry with them as either...

One Word for Each Decade

One Word for Each Decade

One Word For Each Decade of Your Life  One word for each decade - if you had one word to describe each decade of your life what would you say?  After turning 50, I received a lot of well wishes, including: ‘welcome to the club’.  It got me thinking about a couple of...

What are you Buying?

What are you Buying?

What are you buying? You read labels, see ads, read buzz words on menus. But for the most part, you really don't know what you're getting. That is, unless you ask the right questions. What are you buying? - Industrial Food  The majority of food that is purchased...

Commandment #10: Lead by example

Commandment #10: Lead by example

Lead as Others have Lead You We have all had heroes, mentors and idols. What if YOU could be that person for others. You never know who is watching you, learning from you and growing from the information you have to share. You are probably already a role model for...

Commandment #9 Don’t succumb to peer pressure

Commandment #9 Don’t succumb to peer pressure

Commandment #9: Don’t Succumb to Peer Pressure. It's your night out with your friends and you've been waiting all week to let loose a little bit. You are at a restaurant and all your friends order some incredible smelling mac&cheese, loaded potatoes, and nachos...

Commandment #8: Keep moving and stay active

Commandment #8: Keep moving and stay active

Commandment #8 Get Moving and Stay Active Are you struggling with getting enough exercise during the day? The constraints on our time is making it increasingly more difficult to get active and stay active. As a result, we rarely take the time anymore to take care...

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